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Loft Boarding

Maximise Space & Comfort With Expert Loft Boarding

We offer expert and high-quality loft boarding services and transform your loft into a functional and stylish space. Discover the key benefits of this amazing service in creating a versatile area that enhances both the value and usability of your home.

Elevate Your Living Space With Eco-Friendly Loft Boarding

Our team at Eco Homes For You understands the importance of utilising every inch of your home efficiently. Our services not only provide additional storage but also contribute to the overall sustainability of your living space. Enjoy eco-friendly solutions, tailored to meet your exact needs.

The Benefits of Loft Boarding

Spotting the early signs of damp can be the best way to prevent it getting worse. Spotting damp is easy, here is a little guide on how you can spot damp forming in your home:

Optimised Storage Solutions

Efficiently use your loft space to declutter your home and create a seamless storage solution. Our team designs and installs bespoke loft boarding solutions, ensuring maximised functionality.

Energy Efficiency

By using eco-friendly materials, our loft boarding enhances the insulation of your home. In addition, it contributes to reduced energy consumption, creating a greener and more sustainable living environment.

Professional Installation

Our skilled craftsmen guarantee a precise and secure installation, creating a stable foundation for your loft space. Enjoy peace of mind with a professional finish that looks great and is both stable and durable.

Fibreglass Loft Insulation

Fibreglass loft insulation works by trapping air, providing an effective barrier against the transference of heat. This results in vastly improved thermal insulation, making your home more energy efficient.

Our team at Eco Homes For You offers specialised services focused on fibreglass loft insulation. We offer high-quality insulation services at competitive prices to make your home more sustainable and energy efficient.

home insulation services


It is the creation of a stable floor within your loft space, providing a practical solution for storage and access. Our team at Eco Homes For You’s loft boarding services are tailored to maximise your loft’s potential.

It is suitable for the vast majority of lofts. To find out if your loft is suitable, contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation.

The Installation timetable depends on the size and the complexity of the project. This includes other factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as health and safety. During the consultation phase, our team will provide a detailed timeline for your project.

Beyond immediate energy savings, fibreglass loft insulation contributes to the longevity of your home’s thermal efficiency, providing lasting benefits for years to come.

Contact Us

Our team at Eco Homes For You are committed to creating functional and sustainable living spaces. Invest in your home with our loft boarding services and transform yours into a versatile and eco-friendly area. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation and let us help you make the most of your living space.

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